Phyllis Lerner

Chautauqua Speaks

Games for Grown-Ups

Unleash Your Inner Child: Join Us in Fun and Games That Will Leave You Smiling!


Phyllis Lerner


Play is not something to outgrow, routinize, formalize, or standardize. Too frequently adults focus on a stellar performance over the joy of participation. Or use brain teasers to keep the mind sharp. Let’s gather and have some fun. Join rhythmic hand dancing, one at a time/down-the-line, hot potato with pickleballs and paper-bag dramatics. No equipment or experience necessary, dress casually, and claim some joy. Attendees will take these games with them and “play them forwards.”


Physical Education and recess were the highlights of Phyllis Lerner’s elementary school days, and she was often selected first for kickball teams. Currently, she teaches at Johns Hopkins University Graduate School of Education. In-between she’s spent decades at the CA Title IX (Gender Equity) Office and working in Educational Equity. Phyllis staffed programs in eight countries with Children’s International Summer Villages (CISV). Today she is best described by the titles she cherishes after six terms with Agahozo-Shalom Youth Village (ASYV-Rwanda), a post-genocide high school for over 530 orphaned and vulnerable youth: Auntie and Teacher.