Board of Directors

Kelly Ann Boyce
“Involvement in the CWC has given me a loving community, joy, purpose, and treasured life-long friendships.”

Susan Grelick
Vice President
“Involvement in CWC has given me the opportunity to enrich the lives of others in the Chautauqua community, make lifelong friends, and develop skills in not-for-profit volunteering, management, fundraising, and event planning. It continues to be a very rewarding experience.”

Cynthia Vitters
Finance Chair
“Involvement in CWC has given me a wonderful community of friends to share lifelong memories.”

Susan O’Connor Baird
“Involvement in CWC has given me a special opportunity to serve the broader Chautauqua community while working with remarkable women dedicated to achieving the CWC vision, ‘to enrich the lives of the community we touch.'”

Joan Mistrough
Development Chair
“Involvement in the CWC has given me a way to give back and a new community.”

Leslie Strickler
Marketing Chair
“Involvement in CWC has given me the opportunity to work alongside an amazing group of people in order to make collective impact and explore life long learning. I feel like I have a community of friends to help me experience the best Chautauqua has to offer.”

Norma Ingram
Program Chair
“Involvement in CWC has given me a new community, purpose, and friendship.”

Mary Lou Parlato
Property Chair
“Involvement in CWC has given me an incredible opportunity to make new friendships and work with very motivated and dedicated people enriching the Chautauqua experience.”

Ruthann Sammarco
Membership Chair
“Involvement in the CWC has given me the opportunity to experience the work and friendship of very accomplished women!”

Sharon McClymonds
Scholarship Chair
“Involvement in CWC has given me an enhanced sense of community, both on and off the grounds of the Institution, as well as an abundance of treasured friendships with unique and multi-talented fellow Women’s Club members of all ages.”

Monique Abbott
Board Member
“Involvement in CWC has given me an endless source of inspiration!”

Allison Anderson
Board Member
“Involvement in CWC has given me an amazing network of accomplished women and opportunities to broaden my horizons within the Chautauqua community and beyond. “

Marylou Goodman
Board Member
“Involvement in CWC has given me a place where I can learn and grow with women I have yet to know.”

Diane Hess
Board Member
“Involvement in CWC has given me major appreciation for the work that all the volunteers do to educate the greater community of Chautauqua not just women”

Susan Traverso
Board Member
“Involvement in CWC builds a community.”

Kuniko Washio
Board Member
“Involvement in CWC has given me the chance to meet many ladies with excellent and interesting backgrounds. I cherish my friendships with them and it has been fun to work together for the same objectives.”
Cheryl Gorelick
Nancy Langston
Nikki Selden
Susan Warren
Beverly Dame Esch
Virginia DiPucci
Anita Ferguson
Gail Gamble
Jane Hawthorne
Joan Keogh
Paula Mason
Mary Ann McCabe
Gwen Read